About Us
From VersaVision Support
- 1994
- The first VersaCall system was introduced in 1994 as a simple 4 button device. This device sent communications to manual Light Boards using a paging transmitter. A light would be turned on or off depending on the integer received via the page/message.
- 2007
- In 2007 the VT2000 VersaCall system was introduced. With this leap forward in technology, VersaCall created a new infrastructure to support Advanced Andon, Machine Monitoring, Diverse Communications and Real-Time Dashboards.
- 2014
- Building on the knowledge from VT2000 and its customers, VersaCall introduced the VT3000 software in 2014. This software included all of the features of VT2000 with a refined customer experience and the ability to configure devices wirelessly. With this new software VersaCall added Full Production Floor Monitoring and Advanced Integration with other software.
- 2022
- Learning from our customers and the VT3000 software, VersaCall introduced VersaVison in 2022. We were able to create an constantly evolving platform that includes all the features of VT2000 and VT3000. VersaVision has allowed us to add Quality Issue Documentation, Product Tracking, Personnel Tracking, User Created Reporting, RESTful API for easier integration with most software and a better Software User Experience.
- Trust in Teamwork. Without Teamwork, we do not fully collaborate; we merely coordinate or, at best cooperate. It is Trust that transforms a group of people into a TEAM.
- Act with Integrity every day. Remember we are what we do, Not what we say we do.
- It is not about Ideas, it is about making Ideas happen.
- Build friendships. Build every relationship with trust and respect.
- Drive Change; Pursue relentlessly; Fail better next time. Be afraid NOT to try.
- Commit to the Best
- Best Quality, Best Customer Service, Best Teamwork, Best Projects, Best Learning.
- Commit to the Best
- Live Happy!!