From VersaVision Support
- Commands are where customized items can be added that add functionality to the system.
- Commands will differ by system. The command can be as simple as adding a value to a table to calculating OEE.
- This page will concentrate on Viewing, Editing, Adding, Duplicating and Deleting a Command.
- No coding will be discussed/explained, contact VersaCall Support for assistance.
- On the Commands page there will be a list of all the Commands setup in the system.
- Click on the 3 dot ellipsis in-line with the Command that needs to be Edited.
- The Edit (SQL or JavaScript) Command window will load.
- The Command (SQL or JavaScript) will show in the black screen.
- A Table Command will have a Timeout section in addition to the Name, Type and Description.
- A JavaScript Command will only have the Name, Type and Description.
- Parameter Properties will be the same for a Table Command or JavaScript Command.
- Click in the Name or Description fields to edit.
- Click on the down arrow in the Type field to change.
- To edit the code for a Command, click in any line or highlight a line. Change, Add or Remove code from the Command.
- Please ensure important Commands that are operating correctly are not edited as it can cause issues.
- Once all of the Edits have been made click on the Save button in the top right corner of the window.
- Make any changes any other components of the Command.
- When all changes have been made, click on the Save button.
- A Run window will load requesting any Parameters that were setup for the Command.
- Enter the appropriate information into the Parameter(s) field(s).
- Once all Parameters have been addressed, click on the Run button in the bottom right corner of the window.
- A Result field will show below the the Parameter field(s).
- Depending on the type of Command being run, there may not be any result.
- The total run time will show next to the Run button.
- If there are errors in the SQL or JavaScript Code, an Error message will appear in the Result field.
- In most browsers, the user will see a Download pop-up in the top right corner of the window.
- The name of the downloaded file (Command Name.json) will display.