Administration - Users
From VersaVision Support
- Administration is used to access important system components. There are multiple components inside Administration, this page is focused on the User component.
- A User is a person or persons that can log into the VersaVision system. Each User will be assigned to a Role that determines what they are allowed to do in the system.
- This page will concentrate on Viewing, Editing, Adding, Deleting User Information and Resetting a User's Password.
- On the Users page there will be a list of all the users setup in the system. Click anywhere on the row of a User to view the properties.
- On the right side of the Users list a User Properties window will show.
- The User Email Address, Name, Last Name, selected Language and Assigned Role will be displayed.
- On the Users page there will be a list of all the users setup in the system. Click anywhere on the row of the User that needs to be edited.
- On the right side of the Users list a User Properties window will show. Click in the Email Address field to edit the user email address.
- When multiple Roles are setup, click in the box next to the role that needs to be setup for the user.
- Any changes made to the User will be reflected on the User list. The exception is the Language, this information is not shown on the User list.
- The New User window will show on the right side of the Users list. Click in the Email Address field to enter the users email address.
- Once all User information has been entered, click on the Save button in the top right corner of the window.
- A confirmation window will show on the screen. Select Delete to remove the User. Select Cancel to keep the User.
- On the Users page click on the 3 dot icon in-line with the User that needs to have his/her password reset.
- A Reset Password screen will load. Click in the Password field and enter the new password for the user.
- Click on the Cancel button to abort the change. Click on the Reset button to replace the current Password with the one entered.