
IT - Static IP Setup

From VersaVision Support



In some cases, your IT Team may want to setup the VersaVision Computer with a Static IP Address as opposed to using a DHCP Reserved Address.
The instructions below explain how to setup a Static IP on a VersaVision Computer provided by VersaCall.


Physical Access to the VersaVision Computer.
A Monitor, Keyboard & Mouse attached to the VersaVision Computer.
The following information from your IT Department or Network Administrator:
Static IP Address for the VersaVision Computer.
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Preferred DNS
Alternate DNS
Example of is information:


The instructions below are only appropriate for a VersaVision Computer that was provided by VersaCall or a server with Ubuntu Server OS.
If the VersaVision Computer/Server was provided by your IT Department, they will know the proper procedure for assigning an IP.
VersaVision uses Linux Server as an operating system, there specific requirements when this interface is used.
Before beginning the process, ensure that you have all of the IP information listed in the Requirements section.


Physically go to the VersaVision server or use an SSH Client to log into the server.
Open the Terminal - screen will look similar to the image below.

Type in the following command (or copy & paste) - sudo nano /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml
Press the "Enter" key after typing in or pasting the command.

The system will ask for a password.
If you are using a VersaCall provided server, enter the following - 6676776.
If this is an IT provided server, you will need to contact the IT Department for the password.
Press the "Enter" key after entering the password.
No characters will show on the screen when entering the password.

A new screen will load on the Terminal titled "GNU nano 6.2".
Before proceeding - make note of the address/port that is noted under the "ethernets" heading.
In our example this is "ens160".
Write down this information as you will need it after making all of the changes in this guide.

The Cursor will be visible under the "n" in the "network" heading.

Use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to move the cursor to the "y" in the "dhcp4" code line.

Use the Delete key on your keyboard to remove "yes".

Type in "no" for the "dhcp4" code line.

Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Cursor will move to the beginning of the line under the "dhcp4" code line.

Press the Space Bar on your keyboard 6 times.
A red line will appear on the screen showing that the spaces have been added.
The cursor should line up with the "dhcp4" code line.

Type in "addresses:"

Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Cursor will move to the beginning of the line under the "addresses" code line.

Press the Space Bar on your keyboard 8 times.
A red line will appear on the screen showing that the spaces have been added.
The cursor should line up indented under the "addresses" code line.

Get the document/note that has the Static IP Address information.
This was the information shown in the Requirements section.
Find the IP Address that was provided.

Type in "- (Static IP Address)".
Ensure there is a space after the "-" before the first number in your Static IP Address.
For our example, we are using the IP Address that was shown in the "Requirements" section.

Using the document/note that has your Static IP Address information, find the "Subnet Mask" address.

Use the document shown below to match your Subnet Mask and find the "CIDR Prefix".
For our example, we are using "" which matches up to the "/24" CIDR Prefix

Type in your CIDR Prefix after your Static IP Address.
DO NOT put a space between the IP Address & the CIDR Prefix - No Spaces are required.

Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Cursor will move to the beginning of the line under the Static IP Address/CIDR Prefix code line.

Press the Space Bar on your keyboard 6 times.
A red line will appear on the screen showing that the spaces have been added.
The cursor should line up with the "addresses" code line.

Using the document/note that has your Static IP Address information, find the "Default Gateway" address.
For our example, the address is

Type in "gateway4: (Default Gateway Address)".
Ensure there is a space after the ":" before the first number in your Default Gateway Address.
For our example, we are using the Default Gateway Address that was shown in the line above.

Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Cursor will move to the beginning of the line under the "gateway4:" code line.

Press the Space Bar on your keyboard 6 times.
A red line will appear on the screen showing that the spaces have been added.
The cursor should line up with the "gateway4" code line.

Type in "nameservers:".

Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Cursor will move to the beginning of the line under the "nameservers" code line.

Press the Space Bar on your keyboard 8 times.
A red line will appear on the screen showing that the spaces have been added.
The cursor should be indented under "nameservers".

Using the document/note that has your Static IP Address information, find the "DNS Preferred Server" and the "DNS Alternate Server" addresses.
For our example, this would be &

Type in "addresses:".

Type a Space after the ":" at the end of "addresses"
Enter the following text using your addresses found previously.
Our example below will be shown with our DNS addresses.
Format - ["DNS Preferred Server", "DNS Alternate Server"]
Ensure there is a space after the comma between the 2 addresses.

We suggest verifying all of the addresses that were entered before proceeding.
Once you have verified the information, Press & Hold the "Ctrl" button while pressing the "X" key.

A Save message will appear at the bottom of the screen asking if you want to save the changes that were made.
Press the "Y" key on your keyboard to answer Yes & to save the changes.

You will be returned to the Terminal interface.
Type in the following command -
"sudo netplan apply"
Ensure there is a space between each word.
Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard.

The command will run and you will see a blank command line load below where you typed in the command.

Retrieve the address/port that you wrote down at the beginning of this guide.
It was shown to you when you first opened up the "GNU nano" interface.
For our example, this is "ens160".

Type in the following command:
"ip addr show dev (enter the address/port from the previous step).
For our example this would be "ip addr show dev ens160".
Ensure that there is a space between each word.
Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard.

Many lines of code will load on the terminal, we only need to verify the correct Static IP Address is recorded.
The Static IP Address should be shown on a line prefixed with "inet".
Each system can be different, but the Static IP will show in the "inet" code line.

If the Static IP Address is correct, you have completed the assignment.
If the Static IP Address is incorrect, you will need to start the process again and edit the appropriate fields.
Contact VersaCall Support for any questions or issues.

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