
Reporting - Function - Random

From VersaVision Support



Reporting is where the user can generate reports based on the data collected by the VersaVision software.
There are multiple components inside Reporting, this page is focused on the Random Function.
When the user selects to setup a Mixed or Pie Chart report and selects to add a Data Series, the Function option will be enabled.
This Function allows the user to define what type of data will be used in the Data Series.
The Random function allows the user to allow the system to create random data in a series based on an upper and lower limit.
Generally this would be used to test a new type of report.


After adding a new report or editing an existing report, the user will need to select or setup a cell with a Data Series selected.
When this is selected the Function field will be available.

        Mixed Data    |    Pie Chart Data      


With the Data Series selected, click on the down arrow in the Function field.

Select Random from the list.

The cell will reload showing 3 additional fields.
Minimum - this cell is used to enter the lowest number that the system can use when creating data.
Maximum - this cell is used to enter the highest number that the system can use when creating data.
Decimal Places - this cell is used to setup how many decimal places will be used when creating data.

Click in the Minimum field and enter the lowest number to be used for the Random data.

Click in the Maximum field and enter the highest number to be used for the Random data.

Click in the Decimal Places field and enter the number of decimal places to be used for the Random data.

        Mixed Data    |    Pie Chart Data      

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